Monday, October 8, 2007

Taking a week off/Hosting opportunity

I have family in town this week, so I need to take a break from hosting the show Wednesday. If anyone is interested in taking over hosting duties this week (as Mary Carmen has done so admirably in the past), I'd be happy to walk you through the basics. Drop me an email via the Open Stacks contact form.

If I don't have someone lined up by tomorrow night, we'll take a break and resume production on October 17th.

Sorry for the late notice and thanks for your understanding.


Connie Crosby said...

Man! Not sure if I will be home in time this week or I would offer myself up. I hope someone takes up the call, though! (pun intended).


Anonymous said...

I missed this comment, but that's ok, because I was going to have to miss this week anyway and was feeling guilty. Enjoy the family time!